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Home arrow Companies arrow TGV SRAAC LIMITED (formerly Sree Rayalaseema Alkalies and Allied Chemicals Ltd.)
Product Applications
1. Caustic Soda (Lye/Flakes) Aluminum,Paper,Pulp,Pharmacy,Soaps,Textilesandl Rayon Industries.
2. Caustic Potash (Lye/Flakes) Dyes, Pharmaceutials, Food, Liquid Fertilizers and Potassium Compounds.
3. Liquid Chlorine Water Treatment and Paper
4. Hydrochloric Acid OSIN Manufacturing, Bone Washing and General Chemicals
5. Hydrogen Gas Hydrogenation of vegetable oils.
Manufacturing of Liquid Glucose, Reducing agent in metallurgy and pharmaceutical industries.
Manufacturing of Tungsten components, incandescent lamps.
6. Sodium Hypochlorite (Liquid) Water Treatment, Textiles processing, Paper and Pulp; products.
7. Barium Sulphate Storage Batteries, Paints and Adhesives
8. Potassium Carbonate TV Picture, Pharma, Dyes, Food additives etc.
9. Sodium Hypo (Bleach Liquor) Disinfecting and deodorizing purpose, Effluents control in wastes containing cyanide, Bleaching of cotton yam cotton cloth and hemp in textile industry, Bleaching stain removal & disinfection of cotton clothing in laundries home and hospitals, Disinfection in water treatment and Sewage disposal, Controlling of Mosquitoes through! Eradication or mosquito larvae in drain Gutters, ponds etc.,Disinfection,de-odorizing and bleaching of residential premises, swimming pools, public' conveniences etc
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